The Way 2 Life
  The Answer to Christian Prayer

The Answer to Christian Prayer

  Jesus is not only the subject and the object of Christian prayer, but the answer to such prayer as well. God answers all prayer with the activity of His Son Jesus Christ, who always serves as the expressive agency of God. The answers to our prayers will be but the manner in which God wants to apply the life of Jesus Christ in our particular circumstances.

 The complete provision of God for man is in Jesus Christ. God has nothing more to give than what He has given and is giving in Jesus Christ. If God had more to give than Jesus Christ, then Jesus Christ is insufficient. If God could express Himself other than by Jesus Christ, then Jesus "died needlessly" (Gal. 2:21). If God had any answer other than Jesus Christ, then Jesus is superfluous. God forbid that we should think that there is anything to be added to the work of Jesus Christ. This was the basis of the great Reformation plea for sola Christus; Christ only and Christ alone as our "wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption" (I Cor. 1:30). We are "complete in Christ" (Col. 2:10). Of all the things that are needed by man, and needed in such a way that he can receive them only from God,...there is one great gift,...there is one great answer. This one divine gift and answer is Jesus Christ.

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