The Way 2 Life
  The Nature of Grace, The Purity of Grace.


Sermon Outline for Romans 11:5-6 - The Nature of Grace

  1. The Nature of Grace
    1. Grace is God acting freely
      1. According to His nature
      2. According to His love
      3. Without obligation
    2. Grace is God acting righteously through the cross of Christ
      1. Sin is punished
      2. His justice is satisfied
        1. Not because God is big-hearted
        2. It is because His judgment has been fulfilled
    3. Grace has no cause in the receiver
      1. Its cause lies wholly in God
      2. Its cause is totally in the giver
        1. Grace does not act where there is desert
        2. Grace does not act where there is ability
        3. Grace does not help – it does all
    4. Grace is sovereign
      1. It has no debts to pay
        1. It is a pure gift
        2. It cannot be repaid
      2. Has no promises to fulfill
      3. Can act toward whomever it pleases
      4. Can choose the least worthy for its highest favor
        1. It is not withheld because of demerit
        2. It cannot be lessened because of demerit
      5. The receiver must stop trying to become worthy
      6. The receiver must acknowledge complete unworthiness
      7. The receiver must acknowledge complete inability to attain worthiness
      8. The receiver must find worthiness in Christ alone
      9. Human pride has no place in grace
        1. The natural man “hates” grace
        2. The receiver “loves” grace
  2. The Place of Man in Grace
    1. He is totally, fully and completely acceptable and worthy in Christ
    2. He is not “on probation”
    3. His past life and old position does not exist before God – he died at the cross
    4. His present life is Christ
    5. Grace is bestowed, it is never withdrawn
  3. The Proper Attitude of Man under Grace
    1. To believe and receive
    2. To consent to be loved while unworthy
    3. To refuse to make resolutions or vows – that is trust in self (flesh)
    4. To expect to be blessed (receive love) though realizing more and more lack of worth
    5. To count on God’s goodness
    6. To be tender in conscience toward Him
    7. To be thoroughly grateful
    8. To continually tell of His goodness and mercy
  4. The Discoveries of Man under Grace
    1. To “hope to be (do) better” is to fail to see ourselves in Christ
    2. To be disappointed with yourself is to have believed in yourself rather than in Christ
    3. To remain in discouragement (depression) is to be self-centered rather than grace (Christ) centered
    4. Devotion comes not from our will to show it but from the gratitude for grace received while unworthy
    5. To put devotion first and blessing second is reversal of God’s order; that is law not grace; blessing does not depend upon devotion; grace bestows undeserved, unconditional blessing – devotion follows
      1. Salvation is the work of God for man – it is not the work of man for God
      2. Salvation is the bestowal and actual impartation of eternal life – it is not the beauties and artificial imitations of ethical living
      3. Salvation is the imputed righteousness of God – it is not the imperfect righteousness of man
      4. Salvation is according to the faithful calling of God – it is not according to the fitful carefulness of man
      5. Salvation is a divine reconciliation – it is not a human regulation
      6. Salvation is the canceling of all sin – it is not the cessation from some sin
      7. Salvation is being delivered from, and dead to, the law – it is not delighting in or doing the law
      8. Salvation is divine regeneration – it is not human reformation
      9. Salvation is being acceptable to God – it is not becoming exceptionally good
      10. Salvation is completeness in Christ – it is not competency in character
      11. Salvation is possessing every spiritual blessing – it is not professing any special betterment
      12. Salvation is always and only of God – it is never of man. It is the unsearchable riches of Christ. It is unto good works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

Sermon Outline for Romans 11 - The Purity of Grace

The Purity of Grace

  1. Grace Cannot Be Mixed with Anything – Expressly Works – Merit
    1. If there is a mix – then there is no more grace
    2. If there is merit – works deserving, then there is no grace
  2. Works Cannot Be Mixed with Grace
    1. If grace is introduced alongside works – there is no more works
    2. If there is any undeserving favor given – there is no more works
  3. We Are Chosen by Pure Grace
    1. The remnant of Jew and Gentiles – Rom 11:5
    2. Election is by grace only – Rom 9:11
    3. Predestined election prohibits any works
      1. Each elect person occupies a place in the whole Church
      2. The Church must be complete
    4. The implications
      1. Man has nothing to do with election unto salvation
      2. Works have nothing to do with salvation by grace
  4. We Are Saved by Grace
    1. The entire salvation package is by pure grace
      1. Regeneration is the gracious act of God
      2. Faith is the gift of God’s grace
        1. Salvation does not come from our decision – repentance – faith
        2. The cross is not made effective because we are willing to accept salvation
      3. The cross of Christ must be applied to us by grace
        1. The dead must be raised to life
        2. The enslaved sinner must be set free
  5. Preserved by Grace
    1. Grace maintains the initial gift of faith
    2. Grace triumphs in the purpose of making us holy
    3. Freedom to accept just as God accepts us
    4. Freedom to forgive
      1. On the basis of His forgiving us
      2. We are released
      3. We are to release others
    5. Freedom to give
      1. All that we have is by grace
      2. God gives so that we can give
      3. God’s generosity produces generosity – II Cor 8:9, 9:7
    6. Freedom to suffer
      1. I understand what I deserve
      2. I understand God’s commitment
    7. Freedom to serve
    8. Freedom to rest
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