The Way 2 Life
  The role of the Trinity in the Salvation process

The role of the Trinity in the Salvation process: 

The Father planned redemption, the Son provided the means of redemption in His death and resurrection, and the Spirit produces the work of redemption in us.

He ( the Holy Spirit ) is the agent that brings about the actuality of the plan that God initiated and that the Son validated; He is the one who activates it.

 We must understand the biblical ministry of the Holy Spirit. We're warned in Scripture about not grieving the Spirit, not quenching the Spirit, not insulting the Spirit, not blaspheming the Spirit.

It is the Holy Spirit who regenerates us. John 3: "We are born of the Spirit." It is the Holy Spirit who convicts us of sin and righteousness and judgment, John 16. The Holy Spirit even participates in our justification.

First Corinthians 6:11 says: " And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.."

Second Corinthians 3 tells us that it is the Spirit who sanctifies us, moving us from one level of glory to the next in conforming us to the image of Christ. We've learned in Romans 8 that it is the Spirit who confirms our adoption as sons of God. The Spirit takes up residence in us. The Spirit gives us assurance by witnessing with our spirits that we are the children of God. First Corinthians 12 says the Spirit baptizes us into the body of Christ by which we become one with every other believer.

It is the Spirit who produces fruit through us, our attitude, love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control, and all kinds of righteous activity as well. It is the Spirit who delivers us from sin, enabling us to be obedient to God. It is the Spirit who illuminates the Word and is our internal resident truth teacher. It is the Spirit who secures our eternal glory.

Our Salvation is a package deal. The Trinity works together in this whole process from beginning to end ( the planning, the provision, and the development ). The Trinity continues in a perpetual state of unity and agreement, three persons, indivisible, one God,  inseparable in eternity, all for the glory of the Trinity, one God.

Once we are truly saved our salvation is forever !

In Jesus Name .

Amen !!

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